CBC Vancouver
1200 West Georgia StOld Begg Motors Showroom
"They were very instrumental in getting a lot of good music. The CBC over the years has been highly criticized for various reasons, but I have to say that that's the organization that really put music of all kinds on the map in Canada and we should be very proud of the CBC."
-Eve Smith
CBC Vancouver played an important role in the evolution of the city's music scene by providing local musicians with the chance to share their work via radio and television broadcasting. It also served as an arena for artistic development, encouraging interaction and collaboration between the regularly-featured players of the CBC roster and imported guest artists. Doug Parker comments on the inspiring atmosphere at the CBC in saying, "Working for the CBC was like being at a wonderful club that you got paid for going to."
As Bobby Hales recalls, many of the players featured on CBC became local celebrities. He notes, "They all knew who we were. Because, you know, we were on radio all the time, CBC, and we were on TV all the time."
Television arrived in Vancouver in 1948, creating a demand for programming, and, in particular, Canadian programming. CBC responded to this need by establishing the CBC Vancouver affiliate station CBUT in 1953. The ground-breaking musical-variety show Bamboula (1954), featuring vocalist Eleanor Collins, was amongst the many programs produced by this station; Bamboula was one of the first television shows to employ an interracial cast.
-Eve Smith
CBC Vancouver played an important role in the evolution of the city's music scene by providing local musicians with the chance to share their work via radio and television broadcasting. It also served as an arena for artistic development, encouraging interaction and collaboration between the regularly-featured players of the CBC roster and imported guest artists. Doug Parker comments on the inspiring atmosphere at the CBC in saying, "Working for the CBC was like being at a wonderful club that you got paid for going to."
As Bobby Hales recalls, many of the players featured on CBC became local celebrities. He notes, "They all knew who we were. Because, you know, we were on radio all the time, CBC, and we were on TV all the time."
Television arrived in Vancouver in 1948, creating a demand for programming, and, in particular, Canadian programming. CBC responded to this need by establishing the CBC Vancouver affiliate station CBUT in 1953. The ground-breaking musical-variety show Bamboula (1954), featuring vocalist Eleanor Collins, was amongst the many programs produced by this station; Bamboula was one of the first television shows to employ an interracial cast.
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Hales, Bobby. Personal interview with Guy Macpherson. 23 Oct 2006. Transcript on 16 June 2008., Doug. Personal interview with Alan Matheson. Vancouver, BC. 23 Nov. 2005.
Smith, Eve. Personal interview with Kate Hammett-Vaughan. Vancouver, BC. 2 Nov. 2005.